My something else is picking up an art class, reading a good book, writing, and eating. So if you find yourself losing sight from too much studying, maybe it’s time for a break to do something else. A charley horse is another name for a muscle spasm, which is when a muscle contracts and will not relax.

Like a car with only three wheels, I can’t really get to where I need to go successfully if I’m not evenly balanced on both sides. This yearning feeling of emptiness, or rather lopsidedness, is going to eat away at me. ( I get kind of loopy and lose focus in everything). So if you don’t use it you’ll lose it…or it’ll cramp up like a Charlie-horse and you’ll be totally unbalanced. While we may never know the true origin of the term charley horse. The Charlie Horse At The Charlie Horse we take pride in serving delicious food with generous portions in a warm and inviting atmosphere. The creative side of my brain, the left arm, is slowly cramping up because I haven’t exercised it in such a long while. According to a July 1887 edition of the Boston Globe, The name is said to owe its origin to the fact that a player afflicted with it, when attempting to run, does so much after the fashion of a boy astride of a wooden horse, sometimes called a ‘Charley horse.’. However, if you manifest this strength in physical terms, having a huge right arm for example, you’re going to be lopsided, which is how my brain currently feels. Medical school has a way of strengthening one side of the brain (the logical side). 3 Try mild exercises before bed, such as walking or riding the stationary bike for a few minutes. The muscle gets caught in a cycle of tight contraction, which causes pain. He was voted the winner of the 2021 Secretariat Vox Populi Award. He also came second in the 2020 Breeders Cup Juvenile and 2021 Kentucky Derby and Belmont Stakes, and fourth in the 2021 Breeders Cup Classic.

2 Drink plenty of water throughout the day and watch your alcohol and caffeine consumption. What is a charley horse A charley horse is a muscle spasm or a cramp in your lower leg, and it’s often acutely painful, said Daniel Probst, M.D., a Summit Orthopedics physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) specialist. Hot Rod Charlie (foaled April 11, 2018) is an American Thoroughbred racehorse who won the 2021 Pennsylvania Derby and Louisiana Derby.